Glassblowing: Learn How to Make a Handblown Crystal Glass Rose
homo sum humani nihil a me alienum puto ~ i am human i consider nothing human alien unto me
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Glassblowing: Learn How to Make a Handblown Crystal Glass Rose
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Dandelion Summer
Dandelion Summer by Brian Ernest Brown "The Painting Bishop" |
A friend posted a picture on Facebook of some dandelions and when I commented on how much I enjoyed his picture he suggested it was that time of the year for the proverbial dandelion pictures to be posted. I was reminded of a painting I did several year entitled, Dandelion Summer.
I've always loved the free little flower. Why do I call it the free flower? Well, you know. they come up so freely without any effort on our part. They're bright, cheery, yellow little flowers that, like grace, most often come unbidden and or unearned.
The dandelion is so very versatile. Not only are they enjoyable to look at but you can eat them and they make a fun wine! If you're into painting, they offer up a beautiful yellow color with which to paint, and these are just a few of their uses. Even the little honeybees love them!
Why people go to such great lengths to eradicate them boggles my mind. Why would you put so much effort into getting rid of such a wonderful, bright, and hardy little flower only to then pay for flowers you must plant every year and or baby to get them to bloom and grow?! It just makes no sense to me.
That's how we are though. We don't seem to appreciate that which is right in front of us as we search for something better. We miss out on the joy of the little and prolific free dandelion in search of the perfect but sterile hybrid rose. So it goes.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
VanLife: Day 4 or How I Became a Kelly Girl Glassblower
I find I'm settling into a routine which is a good thing because I'm a creature of habit for the most part. After four days of #vanlife perhaps I'm beginning to find a balance and a rhythm.
This was the first day that my glass show was fully up and running and that part of the setup work was done. That's always a good feeling. Now down to making glass and selling glass.
It always fun when I return to a place I have been several times before. It's often like old home week. You catch up with friends and acquaintances, see what's new and what's changed. Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same. I think that's a very true statement for life in a shopping mall.
I spent a great deal of my life working in malls. My first management position was in a Swiss Colony in the Battlefield Mall in Springfield Missouri and later in a Morrow's Nut House owned by the same company. Those jobs opened the door to management positions in other stores within that mall and those positions ultimately led me to a General Manager position of a candy company that operated 10 stores in four states, all in shopping malls.
I became acquainted with all aspects of the building, owning, marketing, staffing, supplying, merchandising, maintaining, opening and closing of mall stores. I worked with lots of different management teams and franchise companies on various construction projects and community marketing programs.
I was what was called a Mall Rat. I lived and breathed the Mall life. I was pasty white in those days.
Its funny how life twists and turns. It was ultimately my familiarity with malls and franchising that I was able to find my way into the glass business. I had just completed a contract with a company with multiple stores and interests where I had opened and staffed five more dollar stores for them, two in Chicago and one three in Tennessee. I was ready for a new challenge and I answered an ad in the local paper.
The ad was for someone skilled in opening and franchising stores in shopping malls. I thought perhaps it was friend playing a trick on me because I had said to him earlier in the week at a dinner party I threw that jobs like mine were getting harder to come by without moving out of the Ozarks. Out of mere curiosity more than anything I inquired about the position and I realized it was the real deal.
The company had contracted with Kelly Girl, a headhunting/temp agency, to find a suitable candidate for the position. In order to pursue the job, I had to become a Kelly Girl and so I did.
I eventually met with the owner who was a lampwork glassblower. He had a little shop up at Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri and he wanted to spread out his operation to shopping malls and amusement parks. I knew immediately that I was the person for the job and I also knew immediately that some how, some way, I would become a glassblower. I sold myself and we arrived at a mutually beneficial contract. My one caveat was that he teach me how to blow glass and to this he agreed.
Little did I know he was incapable of teaching me how to blow glass.
I fulfilled my part of the bargain. I used my contacts and expertise to get him into two different malls, two different shopping centers, and one theme park. I took him from this side of bankruptcy to being relatively financially flush and moderately successful. In all that time, he never once gave me a lesson.
When I reminded him of his contractual promise, he said, "You've seen me make enough hummingbirds. Hop up on the torch and make one." And then he walked away.
I hopped up on the torch and made what look like a fledgling hummingbird just hatched out of the egg that had been subjection to radiation poisoning. I wasn't pleased with my finished product but I was excited about the possibilities.
He returned only to puff himself up after looking at my attempt at making a hummingbird suncatcher and say, "I've been doing this long enough to know whether a person has an aptitude for glassblowing or not and I'm sorry to tell you, you'll never be a glassblower and that little mess will never hold together."
It's odd how a person can at once experience and the cold chill of dismissal or indifference and the fiery heat of rage. Right then I dismissed him and his opinion and raged at his words. I simply replied, "Squat and watch fella!"
I left his employment with a white hot self-righteous indignation and a forged determination to become at glassblower, come what may.
It took a while. There was no YouTube in those days and the craft was pretty secretive. If someone knew you wanted to learn to make glass and you were watching them, they'd shut down on you in a heartbeat. I wasn't sure where or how I was going to learn the craft but I knew I would.
In the meantime I went back to doing what I do, managing stores in malls. I took a position with Bailey, Banks, and Biddle Fine Jewelers which worked its way into management training. They were part of the Zales Corporation which had just emerged from bankruptcy and they were in the process of closing some of the less profitable stores. They wanted me to become a store closer. This wasn't something I wanted to do because I fundamentally disagreed with their methods though I understood their need to do it the way they did.
During one Christmas the mall leased out a kiosk space in front of my store and low and behold, they had leased it to a lampwork glassblower.
It was one of those moments that the 19th century British author, Charles Williams, would describe as an infinite moment: a moment that if recognized and seized could change the course of one's life forever.
I soon met the glassblower and I kept my mouth shut. He, on the other hand, did not. His name was Jerry Capel and he was warm, inviting, inquisitive, talkative, and full of zeal. He had also been blowing glass for about 40 years at the time of our meeting. He saw in me my appreciation and attention to the glass but I let him approach me about me learning how to blow glass. I didn't want him to shut down on me like the rest had.
Let me back up a bit, while I hadn't met him, I had seen him in my former employer's gallery several times, so I knew who he was but my former employer had made it a point to keep us from meeting. I was soon to understand why he had kept us apart.
As we got acquainted, I shared with Jerry the story I shared with you dear reader, of my escapades with the fellow who told me I'd never be a glassblower. That was one of the few times I would see regret in my new friend's eyes.
Jerry told me the story of teaching my former employer only a year or two before and suddenly I understood what had happened. I had unwittingly been duped by a person who was not what he portrayed himself to be at the time and he was not capable of teaching me how to blow glass because he hardly knew how to do it himself. He used me and his usury was premeditated.
My new mentor however, was capable and more over he was eager to teach me. He loved glass and would share his talent and expertise with anyone who would sit still long enough to listen and watch. Seldom have a met in my life people with such a zest and passion as he had. We became student and teacher and good friends as well and developed a relationship that lasts to this very day. He didn't teach me everything I've learned about glass art but he taught me everything I needed to know to be successful at it and imparted his passion to me. For that, I will be forever indebted to this man who changed my life in a moment.
I soon quit my job and never went back to managing stores and businesses for other people. I became a glassblower and the following year I had my own little booth at a mall for Christmas. My journey started 28 years ago as of this writing and the rest, as they say, is history.
Long story short, that's how I became a Kelly Girl glassblower.
This was the first day that my glass show was fully up and running and that part of the setup work was done. That's always a good feeling. Now down to making glass and selling glass.
It always fun when I return to a place I have been several times before. It's often like old home week. You catch up with friends and acquaintances, see what's new and what's changed. Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same. I think that's a very true statement for life in a shopping mall.
I spent a great deal of my life working in malls. My first management position was in a Swiss Colony in the Battlefield Mall in Springfield Missouri and later in a Morrow's Nut House owned by the same company. Those jobs opened the door to management positions in other stores within that mall and those positions ultimately led me to a General Manager position of a candy company that operated 10 stores in four states, all in shopping malls.
I became acquainted with all aspects of the building, owning, marketing, staffing, supplying, merchandising, maintaining, opening and closing of mall stores. I worked with lots of different management teams and franchise companies on various construction projects and community marketing programs.
I was what was called a Mall Rat. I lived and breathed the Mall life. I was pasty white in those days.
Its funny how life twists and turns. It was ultimately my familiarity with malls and franchising that I was able to find my way into the glass business. I had just completed a contract with a company with multiple stores and interests where I had opened and staffed five more dollar stores for them, two in Chicago and one three in Tennessee. I was ready for a new challenge and I answered an ad in the local paper.
The ad was for someone skilled in opening and franchising stores in shopping malls. I thought perhaps it was friend playing a trick on me because I had said to him earlier in the week at a dinner party I threw that jobs like mine were getting harder to come by without moving out of the Ozarks. Out of mere curiosity more than anything I inquired about the position and I realized it was the real deal.
The company had contracted with Kelly Girl, a headhunting/temp agency, to find a suitable candidate for the position. In order to pursue the job, I had to become a Kelly Girl and so I did.
I eventually met with the owner who was a lampwork glassblower. He had a little shop up at Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri and he wanted to spread out his operation to shopping malls and amusement parks. I knew immediately that I was the person for the job and I also knew immediately that some how, some way, I would become a glassblower. I sold myself and we arrived at a mutually beneficial contract. My one caveat was that he teach me how to blow glass and to this he agreed.
Little did I know he was incapable of teaching me how to blow glass.
I fulfilled my part of the bargain. I used my contacts and expertise to get him into two different malls, two different shopping centers, and one theme park. I took him from this side of bankruptcy to being relatively financially flush and moderately successful. In all that time, he never once gave me a lesson.
When I reminded him of his contractual promise, he said, "You've seen me make enough hummingbirds. Hop up on the torch and make one." And then he walked away.
I hopped up on the torch and made what look like a fledgling hummingbird just hatched out of the egg that had been subjection to radiation poisoning. I wasn't pleased with my finished product but I was excited about the possibilities.
He returned only to puff himself up after looking at my attempt at making a hummingbird suncatcher and say, "I've been doing this long enough to know whether a person has an aptitude for glassblowing or not and I'm sorry to tell you, you'll never be a glassblower and that little mess will never hold together."
It's odd how a person can at once experience and the cold chill of dismissal or indifference and the fiery heat of rage. Right then I dismissed him and his opinion and raged at his words. I simply replied, "Squat and watch fella!"
I left his employment with a white hot self-righteous indignation and a forged determination to become at glassblower, come what may.
It took a while. There was no YouTube in those days and the craft was pretty secretive. If someone knew you wanted to learn to make glass and you were watching them, they'd shut down on you in a heartbeat. I wasn't sure where or how I was going to learn the craft but I knew I would.
In the meantime I went back to doing what I do, managing stores in malls. I took a position with Bailey, Banks, and Biddle Fine Jewelers which worked its way into management training. They were part of the Zales Corporation which had just emerged from bankruptcy and they were in the process of closing some of the less profitable stores. They wanted me to become a store closer. This wasn't something I wanted to do because I fundamentally disagreed with their methods though I understood their need to do it the way they did.
During one Christmas the mall leased out a kiosk space in front of my store and low and behold, they had leased it to a lampwork glassblower.
It was one of those moments that the 19th century British author, Charles Williams, would describe as an infinite moment: a moment that if recognized and seized could change the course of one's life forever.
I soon met the glassblower and I kept my mouth shut. He, on the other hand, did not. His name was Jerry Capel and he was warm, inviting, inquisitive, talkative, and full of zeal. He had also been blowing glass for about 40 years at the time of our meeting. He saw in me my appreciation and attention to the glass but I let him approach me about me learning how to blow glass. I didn't want him to shut down on me like the rest had.
Let me back up a bit, while I hadn't met him, I had seen him in my former employer's gallery several times, so I knew who he was but my former employer had made it a point to keep us from meeting. I was soon to understand why he had kept us apart.
As we got acquainted, I shared with Jerry the story I shared with you dear reader, of my escapades with the fellow who told me I'd never be a glassblower. That was one of the few times I would see regret in my new friend's eyes.
Jerry told me the story of teaching my former employer only a year or two before and suddenly I understood what had happened. I had unwittingly been duped by a person who was not what he portrayed himself to be at the time and he was not capable of teaching me how to blow glass because he hardly knew how to do it himself. He used me and his usury was premeditated.
My new mentor however, was capable and more over he was eager to teach me. He loved glass and would share his talent and expertise with anyone who would sit still long enough to listen and watch. Seldom have a met in my life people with such a zest and passion as he had. We became student and teacher and good friends as well and developed a relationship that lasts to this very day. He didn't teach me everything I've learned about glass art but he taught me everything I needed to know to be successful at it and imparted his passion to me. For that, I will be forever indebted to this man who changed my life in a moment.
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My dear mother helping me out at my very first Christmas show. |
I soon quit my job and never went back to managing stores and businesses for other people. I became a glassblower and the following year I had my own little booth at a mall for Christmas. My journey started 28 years ago as of this writing and the rest, as they say, is history.
Long story short, that's how I became a Kelly Girl glassblower.
Crystal Revelations,
Glass Art,
Glass Blowing,
Manhattan, KS, USA
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Future Perfect Tense
I will have returned to Eureka Springs Arkansas sometime before my death. That much is certain, unless death comes suddenly and surprisingly. However, even so, perhaps even then, I will have returned to Eureka Springs after my death. All the best ghosts do you know after all it is the most haunted place in America, so the tour guides say.
Be that as it may, I returned today to call on my wholesale accounts and to deliver some handblown glass hummingbird suncatchers to one of my favorite little stores, the Velvet Otter.
The Velvet Otter is a quaint little antique/gift store on Highway 62 out at Inspiration Point. For many years, it was a glass shop owned and operated by a lampwork glassblower by the name of Jerry Driggers. I loved visiting his shop as a kid, watching him blow glass and often watching the sunset out his back windows overlooking the White River. It's a picture perfect place.
Periodically I get to missing Eureka Springs and I have to get my fix. I had been experiencing withdrawals of late and so it was time to return for a bit. My trip was shorter than expected. After I got there, I just wasn't feeling it.
It's a beautiful place and if you've never visited it you should. It's a wonderful little Victorian Village out of the late 1800's sprinkled with hippies, artists, spiritualists, religious fundamentalists, survivalists, motorcyclists, poets, writers, romantics, and misfits of various kinds. Just about everyone will find something to love in Eureka Springs. I certainly have.
It has many beautiful Victorian homes in the downtown area that rival the great Painted Ladies of San Francisco even and it has a very interesting and eclectic shopping district full of artists, craftspeople, and unique shops.
It's a place to see for sure and one that I will have returned to some day if time allows. I've visited Eureka Springs on and off throughout my life, I've loved there from time to time, I've lived there for about a year, and had art galleries there over the years but it's the springs that will always call me back.
Be that as it may, I returned today to call on my wholesale accounts and to deliver some handblown glass hummingbird suncatchers to one of my favorite little stores, the Velvet Otter.
The Velvet Otter is a quaint little antique/gift store on Highway 62 out at Inspiration Point. For many years, it was a glass shop owned and operated by a lampwork glassblower by the name of Jerry Driggers. I loved visiting his shop as a kid, watching him blow glass and often watching the sunset out his back windows overlooking the White River. It's a picture perfect place.
Periodically I get to missing Eureka Springs and I have to get my fix. I had been experiencing withdrawals of late and so it was time to return for a bit. My trip was shorter than expected. After I got there, I just wasn't feeling it.
It's a beautiful place and if you've never visited it you should. It's a wonderful little Victorian Village out of the late 1800's sprinkled with hippies, artists, spiritualists, religious fundamentalists, survivalists, motorcyclists, poets, writers, romantics, and misfits of various kinds. Just about everyone will find something to love in Eureka Springs. I certainly have.
It has many beautiful Victorian homes in the downtown area that rival the great Painted Ladies of San Francisco even and it has a very interesting and eclectic shopping district full of artists, craftspeople, and unique shops.
It's a place to see for sure and one that I will have returned to some day if time allows. I've visited Eureka Springs on and off throughout my life, I've loved there from time to time, I've lived there for about a year, and had art galleries there over the years but it's the springs that will always call me back.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Day Seven The Seven Days of Creation: Day of Rest
"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. " -Genesis 2:1-3
"Day of Rest"
24" X 36" Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
"The Painting Bishop"
Friday, May 4, 2018
Day Six The Seven Days of Creation: From His Hands
"And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.' And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'
Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.' And it was so.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. " -Genesis 1:24-31
"From His Hands"
24" X 36" Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
"The Painting Bishop"
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Day Five The Seven Days of Creation: Feathers and Fins
"And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.' So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, 'Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.' And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day." -Genesis 1:20-23
"Feathers and Fins"
24" X 36" Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
"The Painting Bishop"
Being a great lover of the ocean I really enjoyed this painting and all the things that happened to pop up as I went. I kept envisioning the great "sea monsters" of the deep and what fun God must have had creating the myriad of birds that live on this planet and the exotic, almost mystical, sea creatures that swim the oceans. For me, this painting not only delights my vision and encourages my imagination but it also it seems to have a way of conveying a symphony of sound to my ears. If I try hard enough I can just hear the wind and the waves...
Humanities: A Love Affair Begins
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Brian Ernest Brown 1986 |
For the most part, I consider my high school years to be a waste of valuable time and something I simply endured because I was forced to. Had I known then, what I know now, I would have dropped out and taken my GED and jumped straightaway into college.
Ah, but as the saying goes: too soon we get old and too late we get smart.
There were, from time to time, glimmers of light and life beyond those parochial walls and I count my humanities class among them. Two other endearing and life changing classes were to be found in my four years of Latin and two years of journalism.
The year was 1986 and my humanities class was a pilot program that had just been introduced to the R12 high school curriculum in Springfield Missouri by Mr. Bowman who worked on the school board as well as taught within the system. I was giddy to be part of the pilot program at Glendale.
That class opened me to the world in a new way. It helped to begin my cognitive development in a way that encouraged me to see the interconnectedness of all things, but particularly in regard to the human experience and its development through philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language.
I gained a fuller appreciation of this cognitive awareness when I attended college and more especially, later in seminary. However, it all started in that little classroom with a teacher that would admonish me, in my yearbook, to work harder in college than I did in high school.
While I have always been an ardent student I have not always been the best student. Mr. Bowman called me dingy but I prefer to think of myself as differentially distracted.
One of the things that struck me most from that humanities class happened on the very first day. It was my exposure to a quote, which I use on the header of this blog, attributed to Publius Terentius Afer, more commonly known as Terence, a Roman playwright who lived around 170 BC. It was inside the front cover of our textbook.
"homo sum humani nihil a me alienum puto" ~ "i am human i consider nothing human alien unto me"
I latched onto that quote like a drowning man latches onto a life-preserver. I wrote it down on a little piece of paper that I used as a bookmark for many, many years. In fact, it wasn't until this last fall that I finally consigned that little scrap of history to a burn pile in an effort to simplify my life and and to embrace minimalism but that's a story for another time...
That one line quote represented to me then and represents to me now how I saw and continue to see myself. It continues to guide and inform much of my study, outlook, and life.
As a result, I consider myself a Christian humanist of sorts. In the world of the Christian Church I would be considered a bit of a heretic suffering from Pelagianism, a heresy named after a Celtic monk, Pelagius aka St. Morgan.
If you'd like to learn more about Pelagius, please follow this link.
In short St. Morgan embraced, as do I, a particular view of creation that focuses on the essential goodness of human nature and the freedom of the human will but that too is a story for another time...
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Day Four The Seven Days of Creation: Final Frontier
"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day." -Genesis 1:14-19
“Final Frontier”
24″ X 36″ Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
“The Painting Bishop”
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Day Three The Seven Days of Creation: Groundbreaking
"And God said, 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.' And it was so. God called the dry ground land, and the gathered waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning the third day." -Genesis 1:9-13
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24" X 36" Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
"The Painting Bishop"
Imagine the forces in gathering the seas and creating the earth! The shear heat as the core of the earth forms, spills over and gives birth to dry land. The primal forces of rocks and mountains shoved toward the heavens creating cliffs, caves, plateaus, and valleys!
I tried to capture the movement, shear power, and controlled chaos of the third day while seeding the readied ground with the very beginnings of the wild growing things, vines, flowers, grass, and trees.
No front loaders, bulldozers, earth-movers, or the like. Just the awesome hand of God and His unlimited imagination. God of Power, God of Might!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Day Two The Seven Days of Creation: Water From Heaven
“And God said,’“Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.’ So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault sky. And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.” -Genesis 1:6-8
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Day 2 of Creation: "Water From Heaven" |
“Water From Heaven”
24″ X 36″ Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
“The Painting Bishop”
I really enjoyed this one, capturing the separation of the waters from the heavens was a task I wasn’t sure I was up to but I turned up one of Liam Lawton’s cds , “The Could’s Veil” and away I went. This also seems to be among the favorites of the series but I’ll let you be the judge.
When we think of creation often our thoughts are caged by ages of interpretation of Holy Scripture and the familiarity of the story but can you imagine the creative forces? Can you imagine the power? Can you imagine the joy? Can you imagine the love? I did, if only in my limited ability. God is indeed an awesome God!
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Day One The Seven Days of Creation: Let There Be Light
"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day." -Genesis 1:3-5
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Day 1 of Creation: "Let There Be Light" |
"Let There Be Light"
24" X 36" Acrylic on Canvas
By Brian Ernest Brown, OSH
"The Painting Bishop"
I hadn't painted in years when I picked up the brush and began this next series of paintings.
My friend Juanita had encouraged me to set up a painting studio at the Branson Mill Craft Village in Branson Missouri many years ago and we'd paint together. We had just watched some YouTube videos of a fantastic artist in Asheville, North Carolina by the name of Jonas Gerard. He was just so lively and it looked like so much fun and boy did we need to get a little wild and sling some paint!
We got excited! And others around us got excited too and wanted to paint with us. We invited them to do just that, as they were able or wanting. Some took us up on the invitation and we developed a wonderfully fun little painting studio. We hoped our little studio might become a place for other crafters and people to unwind and let loose.
We both had always wanted to try our hand at abstract painting and so I dug out my brushes, put together my easels, and we both bought lots of acrylic paint and many, many canvases. I also bought a new cd player to crank up praise music by which to paint. What fun!
I'll be showing some of the paintings here on the To Love So Well The World blog but I wanted to start with this particular series on The Seven Days of Creation from the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. These paintings are 24" wide by 36" tall and are primarily acrylic on canvas. Enjoy!
Friday, April 13, 2018
Things Artists Hear
I have been a professional artist for over 20 years and I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard one of these statements, I'd be rich! People say the silliest things without even thinking about what their words might really mean.
Occasionally, throughout my career, I've been known to turn the tables on them and ask what they do for a living. Then I would try in some way to relate the statement to them and their livelihood. Sometimes it hit home but most of the time it went over their heads. That being said, I felt a little better all the same.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Feel the Heat
This morning everything was so clear in my mind. There was a gentle cooling breeze and the day was fresh and so was I. Not long after that, the heat hit and it’s been all downhill since. It’s amazing how working out in one hundred degree heat can rob you of your strength and even, in my case, my wits! I suppose I complicated matters by working with a torch burning somewhere right around three thousand degrees give or take a little. It’s a hot job I know but someone has to do it.
I have been trying to start my day by blowing glass in the cool hours of the morning, hours that had previously been reserved for riding Dominic, my Globe Vienna hybrid bike, on the bike trails of Fayetteville. Today as the temperature rose I pushed myself further and further into the heat of the day wanting to make one little glass hummingbird suncatcher after the next.
I have set up my glassblowing studio in the garage and while that offers some cover from the elements, heat is not one of them that it protects me from, in fact, it acts like a little roasting oven and I’m the turkey. With the torch, lights, and oxygen concentrator I create a generous amount of heat to contribute to global warming and I have yet to install and fire up my little woad blue kiln.
As I sat there making hummingbird after hummingbird and listening to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, my mind raced over my next few blog posts. It was like a manic attack of creativity. I was in the zone. I must have composed at least eight of my next one thousand word posts and indeed mapped out the rest of the year. The juices were flowing and if I had been set up to dictate from the torch I would have had it made.
But no and as a result, as the temperature continued to rise, the creativity started to sweat out of me…
As the heat rose my brained hazed over and my body complained until eventually, sometime this afternoon, I dripped into the house to the sanctuary of a darkened air conditioned room and drifted off to find refuge from a pounding headache.
As a child I was always out and about. It didn’t matter the weather conditions hot or cold, wet or dry, whatever. I was almost always off on my bike somewhere doing something. One summer day, not unlike today, I had spent the greater part of which pedaling around my hometown of Springfield Missouri. I didn’t have sense enough to come in from the heat as it never really bothered me, that is until it did.
On this particular one hundred five degree day when I must have been about nine, I had pushed myself just a little too hard. I remember being about a mile from home when I thought I might be getting into trouble physically. My head started to pound and then, even though I knew I was hot, I began to get the weirdest cold chills and start to shake. I made it home on my bike but at a price. I had a heat stroke.
I’ll never forget the pounding relentless headache and the odd sensations in my body, the dizziness and the nausea. I lay on a couch and didn’t move for hours that evening. I finally found the strength and presence to climb into bed and sleep it off. I haven’t been the same since. After that day I’ve been particularly sensitive to heat and never allow myself to in be a position of being too overheated. As a result when the thermometer reads 90 degrees I no longer ride my bike.
Today wasn’t nearly like the experience of my childhood. I knew I was getting to hot and I shut down. I was just a little taken back by how much it drained me mentally and creatively. I joked with a good friend of mine earlier in the morning about being in a manic creative state and I was just waiting for the crash. Well the crash came.
So now all of those outlines are a jumbled mess in my mind. My outline for the year all but a forgotten memory. This was not even my planned blog post of one thousand words today but I refuse to give into writer’s block so early in the game.
This whole event has helped me to plan for better cataloging of my ideas, thoughts, and inspirations. It also offers the occasion for me to pursue a new piece of technology that I’ve been wanting for some time, a smart watch, and no not an Apple, gack. As I spend more and more time on the torch, a “smart watch” or “wrist computer” as a friend likes to call them, could be a very convenient wearable piece of technology for me. Of course Google glass could be even better but that’s a whole other level of technology for this one eyed person to embark upon.
It’s interesting. My first smart phone was a purchase to augment my glass business. My foray into bluetooth ear buds was also an aid to my glass work. Once again my glass work drives my need and new technology is explored. Fascinating.
Speaking of new technology and the glass business, I’ve also been thinking about investing in a GoPro camera with which to do videos for glassblowing lessons on my YouTube channel. I realize I could accomplish the same thing with my phone, laptop, or even my Samsung NX300 camera but somehow I feel the need for a more professional and or dedicated piece of technology to do the job. And then, it could simply be an excuse to buy a new toy but that’s okay too!
We’ll see. At the price of hummingbirds these days, ten dollars apiece, to purchase these new devices I would have to sell at least fifty of them retail and twice that amount wholesale. I better get back on the torch and stop spending time on this at the keyboard typing.
I have been trying to start my day by blowing glass in the cool hours of the morning, hours that had previously been reserved for riding Dominic, my Globe Vienna hybrid bike, on the bike trails of Fayetteville. Today as the temperature rose I pushed myself further and further into the heat of the day wanting to make one little glass hummingbird suncatcher after the next.
I have set up my glassblowing studio in the garage and while that offers some cover from the elements, heat is not one of them that it protects me from, in fact, it acts like a little roasting oven and I’m the turkey. With the torch, lights, and oxygen concentrator I create a generous amount of heat to contribute to global warming and I have yet to install and fire up my little woad blue kiln.
As I sat there making hummingbird after hummingbird and listening to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, my mind raced over my next few blog posts. It was like a manic attack of creativity. I was in the zone. I must have composed at least eight of my next one thousand word posts and indeed mapped out the rest of the year. The juices were flowing and if I had been set up to dictate from the torch I would have had it made.
But no and as a result, as the temperature continued to rise, the creativity started to sweat out of me…
As the heat rose my brained hazed over and my body complained until eventually, sometime this afternoon, I dripped into the house to the sanctuary of a darkened air conditioned room and drifted off to find refuge from a pounding headache.
As a child I was always out and about. It didn’t matter the weather conditions hot or cold, wet or dry, whatever. I was almost always off on my bike somewhere doing something. One summer day, not unlike today, I had spent the greater part of which pedaling around my hometown of Springfield Missouri. I didn’t have sense enough to come in from the heat as it never really bothered me, that is until it did.
On this particular one hundred five degree day when I must have been about nine, I had pushed myself just a little too hard. I remember being about a mile from home when I thought I might be getting into trouble physically. My head started to pound and then, even though I knew I was hot, I began to get the weirdest cold chills and start to shake. I made it home on my bike but at a price. I had a heat stroke.
I’ll never forget the pounding relentless headache and the odd sensations in my body, the dizziness and the nausea. I lay on a couch and didn’t move for hours that evening. I finally found the strength and presence to climb into bed and sleep it off. I haven’t been the same since. After that day I’ve been particularly sensitive to heat and never allow myself to in be a position of being too overheated. As a result when the thermometer reads 90 degrees I no longer ride my bike.
Today wasn’t nearly like the experience of my childhood. I knew I was getting to hot and I shut down. I was just a little taken back by how much it drained me mentally and creatively. I joked with a good friend of mine earlier in the morning about being in a manic creative state and I was just waiting for the crash. Well the crash came.
So now all of those outlines are a jumbled mess in my mind. My outline for the year all but a forgotten memory. This was not even my planned blog post of one thousand words today but I refuse to give into writer’s block so early in the game.
This whole event has helped me to plan for better cataloging of my ideas, thoughts, and inspirations. It also offers the occasion for me to pursue a new piece of technology that I’ve been wanting for some time, a smart watch, and no not an Apple, gack. As I spend more and more time on the torch, a “smart watch” or “wrist computer” as a friend likes to call them, could be a very convenient wearable piece of technology for me. Of course Google glass could be even better but that’s a whole other level of technology for this one eyed person to embark upon.
It’s interesting. My first smart phone was a purchase to augment my glass business. My foray into bluetooth ear buds was also an aid to my glass work. Once again my glass work drives my need and new technology is explored. Fascinating.
Speaking of new technology and the glass business, I’ve also been thinking about investing in a GoPro camera with which to do videos for glassblowing lessons on my YouTube channel. I realize I could accomplish the same thing with my phone, laptop, or even my Samsung NX300 camera but somehow I feel the need for a more professional and or dedicated piece of technology to do the job. And then, it could simply be an excuse to buy a new toy but that’s okay too!
We’ll see. At the price of hummingbirds these days, ten dollars apiece, to purchase these new devices I would have to sell at least fifty of them retail and twice that amount wholesale. I better get back on the torch and stop spending time on this at the keyboard typing.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Ex Cathedra Studio
From June 1, 2014
On this Feast of the Ascension, I would like to announce the opening of Ex Cathedra Studio in downtown Fayetteville Arkansas.
Upon moving to Fayetteville this last summer, I began looking for a space in which to be and to do, whatever I was to be doing or whatever it was I was to do – being. I know, I know, confusing, right?! Try being me!
Unsure as to whether to attempt a retail space, a gallery space, a studio space, a ministry space, or an office I began a wide search of possibilities. My search took me in many different directions but always seemed to bring me back to a particular location, a place that just felt right, but that never had an available empty space.
As I continued to look, I secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, longed for a space in this wonderful, funky, old building just off the square on Center Street. Finally, after much patience, prayer, and perusing of real estate listings on Craigslist I was able to secure a small space in that very same building.
The availability, nature, and location of the space actually informed my understanding of what kind of a space it was to be and what adventure awaited me within those four walls.
Tucked away down a hallway on the second floor of an old building just off the square, Ex Cathedra Studio lends itself toward quiet exploration, contemplation, and re-creation. It’s not a place of commerce per se, nor a place of corporate worship, nor even a place of labor alone but rather a place of pilgrimage to experience all of the above.
This is what I tell myself anyway, through an evolving understanding of the cloistered little space. Perhaps it’s all vanity but we shall yet see. I feel like I’ve just stepped into an old musty wardrobe and closed the door. I wonder what adventure awaits me!
“This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!” ― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Ex Cathedra – From the Chair of the Bishop.
Ex Cathedra Studio will serve as a studio, gallery, office, and oratory – a place of creation or re-creation or even recreation, as the case may be. In other words, it will simply be a place to be.
Should you find yourself in Fayetteville Arkansas, please don’t hesitate to drop by and say hello, share a story or a prayer, check out a book, and or maybe even paint! Who knows! There are even two wonderful restaurants on the first floor, one Greek and the other Thai, where we might share lunch. Just be sure and check in with me first though, as you never know where I may be.
“He’ll be coming and going” he had said. “One day you’ll see him and another you won’t. He doesn’t like being tied down–and of course he has other countries to attend to. It’s quite all right. He’ll often drop in. Only you mustn’t press him. He’s wild, you know. Not like a tame lion.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
On this Feast of the Ascension, I would like to announce the opening of Ex Cathedra Studio in downtown Fayetteville Arkansas.
Upon moving to Fayetteville this last summer, I began looking for a space in which to be and to do, whatever I was to be doing or whatever it was I was to do – being. I know, I know, confusing, right?! Try being me!
Unsure as to whether to attempt a retail space, a gallery space, a studio space, a ministry space, or an office I began a wide search of possibilities. My search took me in many different directions but always seemed to bring me back to a particular location, a place that just felt right, but that never had an available empty space.
As I continued to look, I secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, longed for a space in this wonderful, funky, old building just off the square on Center Street. Finally, after much patience, prayer, and perusing of real estate listings on Craigslist I was able to secure a small space in that very same building.
The availability, nature, and location of the space actually informed my understanding of what kind of a space it was to be and what adventure awaited me within those four walls.
Tucked away down a hallway on the second floor of an old building just off the square, Ex Cathedra Studio lends itself toward quiet exploration, contemplation, and re-creation. It’s not a place of commerce per se, nor a place of corporate worship, nor even a place of labor alone but rather a place of pilgrimage to experience all of the above.
This is what I tell myself anyway, through an evolving understanding of the cloistered little space. Perhaps it’s all vanity but we shall yet see. I feel like I’ve just stepped into an old musty wardrobe and closed the door. I wonder what adventure awaits me!
“This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!” ― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Ex Cathedra – From the Chair of the Bishop.
Ex Cathedra Studio will serve as a studio, gallery, office, and oratory – a place of creation or re-creation or even recreation, as the case may be. In other words, it will simply be a place to be.
Should you find yourself in Fayetteville Arkansas, please don’t hesitate to drop by and say hello, share a story or a prayer, check out a book, and or maybe even paint! Who knows! There are even two wonderful restaurants on the first floor, one Greek and the other Thai, where we might share lunch. Just be sure and check in with me first though, as you never know where I may be.
“He’ll be coming and going” he had said. “One day you’ll see him and another you won’t. He doesn’t like being tied down–and of course he has other countries to attend to. It’s quite all right. He’ll often drop in. Only you mustn’t press him. He’s wild, you know. Not like a tame lion.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
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