White Poppies For Peace |
We would like to invite all of our friends and associates, who feel called, to join us in prayer on November the 11th, the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, praying for the peace of ourselves, our communities, and the world. As is our tradition, we will be offering the Litany For Peace every hour on the hour. Won’t you please join your prayer with ours?
Litany For Peace
By Archbishop Karl PrĂ¼ter
Leader: Lord, Heavenly Father help us to become peacemakers, that we may be called, "The Children of God."
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Lord, Heavenly Father, help us purge ourselves of those attributes which make not for peace but which set the stage for war.
All: Lord hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Lord, open our minds to see ourselves as Thou seest us, or even, as others see us, and save us from all unwillingness to know our infirmities.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: From all hasty utterances of impatience; from the retort of irritation and the taunt of sarcasm; from all infirmity of temper in provoking or being provoked; from love of unkind gossip, and from all idle words that may do hurt, save us, O Lord.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Grant us, O Lord, the strength to obey Thy commandments, that we defraud our brother in nothing. May we never commit adultery or do anything to disturb our neighbor's home or family.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Lord, Heavenly Father, grant that we covet nothing that is our neighbors, neither his house, nor his auto, his bank account, his job, nor anything that is our neighbors.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Heavenly Father, help us to maintain peace within our own households, with our neighbors in our communities, within our own nations, and in the world.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Lord, Heavenly Father we pray not only for the absence of war, but more especially for Thy peace, which passeth all understanding.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace.
Leader: Lord, Heavenly Father, grant us Christ's wish that we may become One with Him, and with Thee; that in union with Thee, we may desire only what Thou dost desire, and thus come to know Thy perfect peace.
All: Lord, hear our prayer, and grant us Thy peace, this day and for evermore. Amen.